control centre for your money

Manage your bank accounts, income streams, expenses, and save time with shortcuts to other services. Sitch is all you need — in one app.

Achieve financial productivity

No matter who you are or what you do, Sitch lets you achieve money-productivity, your way. Managing money shouldn't only be about your budget, or savings or spending. It should be about seeing the whole picture, and then deciding on how you want to manage it all. Sitch lets you sync all your 'money' services in one place and see the whole picture.

Manage bank accounts

Have multiple bank accounts? No problem. Link them all to Sitch and stay on top of them all in one place. We use the industry leaders Plaid to create secure connection with your bank.

Over 6,500 banks supported


Track your monthly spending

Never forget where you spent money, how much and how often. All your transactions are categorised, making it easy to track.


Stay on top of your
monthly earnings

Have a side hustle? Track your earnings alongside your salary. You can track as many income sources as you want.


Sitch uses military grade security measures

Your security is our top priority. That is why we use best in class authentication, encryption and tokenization measures.


We keep your account safe using multi-factor authentication.


We store your data in a separate database using 256-bit encryption. Data is also encrypted in transit.


Sensitive data is tokenized using the same stringent measures taken to protect credit card information.



Find the services you use day to day

Sell handmade items on Etsy? Upload receipts to Expensify? We have integrations with services you use to save you time with shortcuts and widgets.


Control them all from your dashboard

Have quick access to as many services as you want from one single dashboard. We build small widgets to show you all the important stuff quickly.


We're transparent about what data is shared

When you choose to link a third party service, we never send your data to the service providers. Your data is sent to the account you hold with them. And we always tell you what data has been sent and retrieved.

get started

Achieve financial
productivity with Sitch